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When to Contact a Malpractice Lawyer About Negligent Post-Operative Care


By necessity, patients place a great deal of trust in the surgical team. When their providers commit acts of medical negligence, the results can be disastrous. Surgical errors can encompass medical malpractice that occurred before, during, or after the operation. If you suspect you were the recipient of negligent post-operative care, you have the right to contact a medical lawyer in Annapolis, MD, to discuss your rights and options. Since medical lawsuits are subject to statutes of limitations, it’s best to contact a lawyer as soon as you identify a health problem. The following post-operative complications could prompt a call to a medical malpractice lawyer. medical - lawyer

You have developed an infection.

Infections are among the most common post-operative complications. A local infection of the surgical site could be indicated by wound discharge, foul odor, redness, swelling, and increased pain. If not treated promptly, a localized infection could lead to a systemic infection such as sepsis. Sepsis is a medical emergency that can lead to organ failure if left untreated. Infections aren’t always indicative of medical malpractice. Sometimes, they occur when patients fail to take antibiotics and care for the surgical site as directed by the doctor. However, if the doctor failed to prescribe antibiotics or failed to properly educate the patient about surgical site care, this could be indicative of medical negligence. It’s also possible that the surgical dressing may have been incorrectly applied at the hospital.

You were diagnosed with a blood clot.

Another serious complication of surgery is a blood clot. Blood clots can occur when individuals are inactive for long periods of time, such as when they are recovering from surgery. Blood clots often develop in the deep veins of the legs, which is a condition known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). From there, the clots can break free and travel to the heart, causing a heart attack, or the lungs, causing pulmonary embolism, or to the brain, causing a stroke. There are preventive measures that attending medical staff should take to reduce a patient’s risk of blood clots.

You required emergency care due to wound dehiscence.

Wound dehiscence is a serious complication in which the deep and/or superficial layers of the surgical wound split open . It is indicated by broken sutures, an open wound, and pain. There are many possible causes of this emergent situation, including acts of medical negligence. Wound dehiscence may occur when an incorrect technique was used to place the sutures.