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Compensation for Spinal Cord Injuryies Depends Upon Area of Impact


Individuals suffering from a spinal cord injury know that the location of the injury site can mean the difference between being completely dependent upon others for care and retaining some degree of independence. Assessing the type of the spinal cord injury and its effect on a patient is a crucial component in determining the compensation that a victim might receive. If you’ve suffered a spinal cord injury, you or your representative should meet with an attorney right away to discuss your case. spinal cord injury annapolis

Cervical Tetraplegia

Lawyers who represent patients with cervical spinal cord injuries may obtain significant compensation on their behalf, given that this level of injury is associated with the highest degree of impairment. The cervical spine is the upper spine. An injury to this area can result in paralysis to all four quadrants of the body. The higher the injury is on the cervical spine, the greater the degree of impairment. Patients may be unable to move their hands, arms, torso, or legs. Some patients may be unable to breathe on their own or control their bowel and bladder movements. Speech may be impaired. Individuals with cervical tetraplegia may require 24/7 assistance with all activities of daily living. They also require expensive durable medical equipment, which can be included in the compensation demanded by a personal injury lawsuit.

Thoracic Paraplegia

Thoracic paraplegia can occur after the middle of the spine suffers trauma . Since this area of the body is protected by the rib cage, thoracic paraplegia isn’t quite as common. When it does occur, it can cause paralysis or weakness of the legs, the loss of physical sensation in the lower body, and the loss of bowel and bladder control. Patients with thoracic paraplegia may initially wear a brace for stability.

Lumbar Paraplegia

As with thoracic paraplegia, lumbar paraplegia results in paralysis or weakness of the legs. Typically, the upper body is not affected by muscle weakness or the loss of physical sensation. Patients who have been diagnosed with lumbar paraplegia typically undergo surgery and they may require external stabilization.

If you your loved one is suffering from a spinal cord injury, personal injury attorney Paul Weber may be able to help. He has recovered millions of dollars for his clients. While nothing can alter the life changing impact of such an injury, Annapolis law firm Hyatt & Weber is committed to helping you obtain maximum compensation for your spinal cord injury. For a complimentary consultation, call 888-901-3523, fill out our contact form , or send an email to .